Tapiwanashe Sebastian Garikayi
Stype Foundry
Tapiwanashe is a graphic & type designer from Zimbabwe. As a creative, he strives to develop work that speaks to others about the beauty that exists in Afrikan culture and societies,
breathing new life into his work so that Afrikan ideas, innovation & lifestyle are visible. After observing the current digital typography landscape, he noticed that few fonts support native
Afrikan writing systems & of the few that exist, some are not accessible to the general public. This motivated him to embark on a project to create fonts that support Afrikan writing systems.
breathing new life into his work so that Afrikan ideas, innovation & lifestyle are visible. After observing the current digital typography landscape, he noticed that few fonts support native
Afrikan writing systems & of the few that exist, some are not accessible to the general public. This motivated him to embark on a project to create fonts that support Afrikan writing systems.